Why Hire A Probate Attorney?
A probate attorney is a lawyer who helps make sure a person's final wishes get carried out. These attorneys often don't just help the person who has passed on while they planned their will and funeral; they help out the executors of estates as well. Should you hire a probate attorney? Here are a few reasons why this type of attorney may be necessary for you.
You don't have a beneficiary
Are you planning your own will and don't have a beneficiary in mind for your estate? If you don't, you can hire a probate lawyer to carry out your will for you on your behalf. This can be especially beneficial if you are not in good standing with any of your living children, you have trust issues with those you are leaving behind, or you just can't decide who would be best to carry out your wishes and want to have a neutral party make your final divisions known.
You are the beneficiary
Are you the beneficiary of your parent's or other loved one's estate and you don't know what to do? Are you solely in charge of making sure the will and estate get played out, but you don't have the time or really want to get into the middle of everything? If the subject of money, land, and personal effects is too much for you to handle or you don't want to cause a ruckus among your family members, consider stepping back and letting a probate attorney help you out.
While you won't be able to completely turn over your role as the beneficiary or executor of the estate, you can get a partner of sorts when you hire the right lawyer. Your legal advisor will be able to help you not only understand the will but also to explain it to family members in the event there is a challenge to the way the estate is being divided out.
You don't know what to do with the will
Are you the only person your loved one left their estate to? Do you not know how to take care of the finances, transferring of titles, and other duties? Let your lawyer help you out. You'll be able to settle the estate within a shorter timeframe, and if you wish to divide some of your inheritance among your other living family members, your probate attorney can help you in this area as well.
Visit websites like https://www.rmstoneattorney.com/ for more information on what a probate attorney can help you with.