In Debt Up to Your Ears? Why You Should Consider Bankruptcy
Being in debt can seriously diminish your quality of life. You might rarely have extra money to unload stress by going on vacation, and the constant stream of bills can be disheartening. Trying to work more hours or getting a second job can help, but if an unexpected financial emergency occurs, you might not have funds for all your needs. If you think you've exhausted all of your options and don't know what to do next, going to a bankruptcy attorney could be the light at the end of the tunnel that you have been looking for.
Bankruptcy Allows You to Start Over
Sometimes, a fresh start is all it takes for things to become hopeful once again. It can be refreshing to know that there are ways for you to clean up your situation. This is what it can be like to file for bankruptcy. You get the opportunity to begin with a clean slate that is clear for you to create a brand new financial situation.
Bankruptcy is essentially divided up into different chapters. There are six chapters, with chapter 7 bankruptcy being the most common. Under chapter 7 bankruptcy, you can have most or even all of your debts liquidated so you actually end up owing absolutely nothing to your creditors. Certain debts are considered non-dischargeable, including things like child support, alimony, many taxes, and money owed to governmental entities. In these cases, you may want to choose another chapter that will allow you to pay back the debt through an affordable plan. Talking with a bankruptcy lawyer can help you learn more about the chapters so you'll know how to choose the one that is best for your financial portfolio.
Payment Plans May Be Available
For some people, the cost associated with filing bankruptcy is really the only thing standing in their way. You are already short on funds and don't see how you'll be able to wrestle up even more cash to pay a lawyer.
Pricing doesn't have to stop you from gaining the freedom that bankruptcy can bring. There are bankruptcy attorneys who will let you pay for your filing over time. They can devise low, monthly payments that work with your budget so you don't fall further behind.
Financial liberation could be right around the corner. Talk with a bankruptcy attorney and let them guide you on the path to a new future, or for more information about filing for bankruptcy.